Creating happiness and suffering within our mind

March 11, 2024 00:16:56
Creating happiness and suffering within our mind
Living Clarity
Creating happiness and suffering within our mind

Mar 11 2024 | 00:16:56


Show Notes

Gen-la Dekyong beautifully articulates the profound connection between our actions and their consequences on our inner and outer world. Every action we perform leaves a potentiality in our mind that later ripens as either a positive or a negative experience.This powerful insight reminds us that the key to transforming our experience lies with us. By turning our mind to others and thinking about their experiences, we naturally change our behaviour and reduce our own suffering. This podcast is an extract from a talk given by Gen-la Dekyong in Buenos Aires. It is based on the book How to Solve our Human Problems by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso

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